Sunday, May 30, 2010

FM 202 Part 4

Where do we get the candidates?

Ordinary Americans truck drivers, housewives, cooks, maids, clerks. The salt of the earth, people who would rather be left alone. Remember these candidates don’t need to know anything about anything except that they understand the problem and will do their part to solve it.

What is expected of them?

NOTHING, except once in the House they can be relied on to VOTE NO on any proposal that will increase the SIZE, COST,

REACH and POWER of the government.

What will the campaign cost them?

NOTHING Financing of the campaign will be borne by ordinary American’s who realize the urgency and are willing to help.

What degree of participation will be required during the campaign?

NONE just stay alive! There is no necessity for speeches, debates, appearances, news conferences, pie supper attendance or any of that usual campaign hoopla.

(Part 5)

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