Sunday, May 30, 2010

FM 202 Part 1




The following notes, commentary, and resolutions are based on the premise and incontrovertible fact that the increase in the size of governments constitutes the greatest tragedy of our times. Government grows and the size of the bureaucracy spreads. And with an ever increasing quantity comes the concomitant diminution of the individual, his morals, health, wealth and freedom. At every turn there are the inevitable controls – a new law, another edict or administrative rule, an additional code or bureaucratic chain to bind us. Always followed with inflated currency and oppressive taxation. With the accelerating plunge into the abyss of World Government how much time do we have until the tentacles of an ominous cloud of Total Government enshrouds us all?

Our Founding Fathers with immeasurable courage and selfless sacrifice, gave us a Republic “if we could keep it”. Through irresponsibility, faith in politicians, unconcern, and lack of understanding we are rapidly approaching the point-of-no-return for maintaining even a semblance of Constitutional limited government. So with those immutable truths in mind what are ordinary American’s to do?

(Part Two)

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