Sunday, May 30, 2010

FM 202 Part 3

Of most importance is what NOT to do. Stay away from politics as usual – both in mindset and action. Forget everything you thought you knew about getting your candidate in office. Our Founding Fathers brilliantly set-up the division of our Republic with the expressed purpose of keeping the bureaucracy tightly limited in their actions so the people would remain free. They knew that it takes big money to buy big government so by limiting the funding of venal politicians and their pork barrel bribes our Founders placed the outlay of the people’s money exclusively under the aegis of the House of Representatives, who were in turn closest to the people. Even now, after two world wars, cold wars, U.N., the ABC’s of NAFTA, CENTO, OAS, OSHA, EPA, CIA, ad nausea and all the redistribution of our wealth, the complete usurpation of power and unlimited government is still impossible IF we can in the next two elections elect Congressmen who will VOTE NO on every bill that comes before the House that increases the SIZE, COST, REACH and POWER of the government.

Mind boggling isn’t it???
The bottom line is so simple. (We didn’t suggest easy). We ordinary American’s only have to forget every office, local, state and national (including the President) except one. And place all our energies and support behind Congressmen.
Not the “VOTE for ME and I’ll give you everything you want” scum-bucket but principled ordinary Americans who have just one uncompromising resolve:
To VOTE NO on every bill that increases the size, cost, reach or power of government.

(Part 4)

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